Sunday, November 23, 2008

FitBall Exercise Ball Chair - with Choice of 55cm Ball

FitBall Exercise Ball Chair - with Choice of 55cm Ball This model comes with a 55cm ball. The benefits of sitting on an exercise ball while working are the same incorporating it in exercise routines; it promotes flexibility, coordination, motor skills, core strengthening, and balance. "Active sitting" means that your body, when positioned on top of an exercise ball, is constantly making small adjustments, often imperceptible, to remain balanced and thus is constantly exercising a large group of muscles in doing so. By strengthening your body's core muscle group you help improve your posture, have better balance and guard against back injuries. It takes some time before your body becomes accustom to sitting on an exercise ball, since your core muscles may not have gotten much exercise previously. Start by using it 10 to 15 minutes a day and gradually work your way up. If you have had back problems or injuries, make sure to consult your physician or therapist first. Pump sold separately

Misc.:  Comes with a 55cm ball, available in a choice of colors, Pump not included, Frame color is black with silver flakes. Cushion and wheels are black, Has a rolling base, Height and back rest adjust for a customized fit
Company: Fitball 
List Price: 
Amazon Price: 

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