Friday, November 28, 2008

Resolved Question: Which Ab Machine is the best for overall Abdominal Work - Including Lower and Side Ab Work ?

Just wondering if, from experience, people have tried any machines that are really good and had positive results from ? I've been going to the gym for about 17 years and i'm well aware that diets play a vital role in abs. Just seeing what's out there and if there is something actually good on the many things claim to be good but whether they are or not.......a bit bored of floor work and cable crunches and my new gym doesn't have a machine so was wanting to get something for home APART from a fitball.....thanks heaps guys : ) LOL....i actually did mention that i do know that you have to lose weight to have a 6 pack....i do actually HAVE a 6 pack...i just miss the Ab Machine at the gym (the weighted one) and the hanging leg raises for lower they seemed to really work and used to get a great workout without having to do 100's of reps. Is there anything else that compares.....?

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