Thursday, November 27, 2008

Resolved Question: I am skinny but my stomach sticks out and I don't seem to have a hip shape at all! Help please!?

Okay, I'm very skinny on the outside. But deep down, my stomach sticks out and I don't seem to have a hip shape at all! :( It's depressing! I can't wear tight shirts anymore which sucks. I want to be back in a nice fit shape with fit abs so it matches with the skinny look I have on the outside. I want to be able to wear bikinis and XS-S shirts again without having the stomach fat dilemma. I'm 18, female, 5"3 and I weigh 105 lbs. So I got some pics - I need to lose all this fat fast! Just wondering what I should do? Pics: Also, would ab crunches on a fitball be suitable? Thanks for any advice and help!!!! I got some side view pic of my stomach. Hope it gives you more info! Pic: And I hardly do any exercise as you can see, I have no muscles in my abs!

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